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Genealogy in Sullivan County, New York

Sullivan County family links

Genealogy Links with Sullivan County Connections

We're always a little surprised when we find people who say they're interested in genealogy but say in the next breath that all this local history stuff bores them.  We're personally of the opinion that the New York Public Library got it just right when they named their department that handles both disciplines as the "Department of Local History and Genealogy."

After all, without people not much history happens, and certainly you don't get any history recorded!  And, without the local history to provide the background for ancestors to have lived and died in, a family tree is really nothing but a bunch of names and dates on a piece of paper!

So, Between the Lakes Group has decided that the right thing to do is to offer links to family and genealogy websites that have a significant Sullivan County connection.  Are you aware of such a website?  Let us know about it!  Contact us!! 

Contact us at Between the Lakes Group. to go to the contact page. 


Barnum surname:  http://www.barnum.org

Bonnell/Bunnell surname:  http://www.bunnellfamily.us

Cross surname:  http://betweenthelakes.com/states/noah_cross_rachel_osterhout.com

Hasbrouck surname:  http://www.hasbrouckfamily.org

VanAken/VanAuken surname:  http://www.vanaken.org

VanKeuren surname:  http://www.angelfire.com/id/vancuren/

Vredenburg/Fredenburgh surname: http://fp3.antelecom.net/vredenb/


To the Sullivan County page to go to our Sullivan County page

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Between the Lakes Group is located at 372 Between the Lakes Road, in Salisbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut.  More specifically, we're in Taconic -- a hamlet  in the Twin Lakes area of the Town of Salisbury.  Questions about us or about our products?  Go to our Frequently Asked Questions page.  

Postal address:
Post Office Box 13
          Taconic, CT  06079-0013
Electronic mail:
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