Baldwin, Cumberland County, MaineAnnual Report for 1936
We are happy to bring you the Annual Report of the Municipal Officers of
the Town of Baldwin, Cumberland County, Maine for the fiscal year ending
February 14, 1936. Being able to offer it as a download makes this sort of re-publication possible, and your purchase of it enables us to continue to offer more obscure documents of this type, even though they are of interest to only a tiny population. Town annual reports like this one are fascinating compendiums of knowledge about life in that town. It’s said that there are no secrets in small towns, and there are certainly few if any secrets in this kind of publication. We will see who is late with their taxes, who is on welfare and who collects town money to work on the roads, and who did well in school, as only a small sample. Of course, the Town Clerk also reports on who was born and who died during the year. Your purchases of both our CD-ROMs and our downloads make it possible to continue to collect and republish this kind of material for you. This download, 61+ pages in PDF format, is priced at $3.25. Please click the "Buy Now" button to purchase and download it to your own PC or Mac. |
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