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Lime Rock Cemetery in

Lime Rock, Connecticut

Lime Rock Cemetery

The cemetery in Lime Rock, located on Route 112 opposite the Outfield Entrance of Lime Rock Park, and across Dugway Road from Trinity Church, is a separate entity from Trinity Church, and is managed by the Lime Rock Cemetery Association, who do so for the Town of Salisbury, which owns the ground.   Notwithstanding the organizational separation, there are close historic, personal and organizational ties between the church and the cemetery, not the least of which are the Trinity parishioners who are buried here. 

Interestingly, this is not the original Lime Rock cemetery.  The distinction of being first, however, has been eclipsed by the removal of the original cemetery, which was located around a mile west of the present cemetery, with re-burial in this cemetery many years ago.

Lime Rock Cemetery Plot Map

We were able to obtain at auction an original map of the Lime Rock Cemetery.  As far as we know, the download we offer of our photo and scans of this map  represent the only plot maps of this cemetery that are publicly available, although, of course, the Cemetery Association has working maps that permit them to manage sales of plots and niches in the columbarium.

Please note the following about this map:

First, the map is “as found”.  It had been used extensively before we acquired it at auction from a dealer who had in turn acquired it in an estate sale, and shows considerable wear.  Some names are illegible on the scans (as they are on the original map) and some are unreadable due to the tape that an earlier owner had applied.  We have not attempted to restore the map.

Second, the size of the map makes it a difficult item to present as a download.  What we are presenting here is, first, a photograph of the overall map, which is approximately 30 inches long in its longest dimension, followed by eight scans of portions of the map.  The initial photograph should permit the viewer to orient the following scans in terms of location within the cemetery.  The scans were done at sufficient resolution to permit extensive use of magnification capabilities in whatever PDF reader you may choose to use in viewing the map.  We cannot guarantee perfection; all we can promise is that with this map you will have information that is not otherwise available. 

Third, please understand that this map does NOT represent the current status of burials in the Lime Rock Cemetery.  While the map clearly was used at some point in its history to record the sale of plots and the locations of individual burials within them to some extent, it is not current.  It has some notable quirks.

We offer it as a download of 11 pages, including one photograph and eight high-resolution scans, in PDF format, for $4.25.

 Lime Rock Cemetery old plot map

What's Lime Rock Cemetery like?

People ask this question frequently, especially people who live a long distance from Lime Rock.  They're glad to see photos of individual headstones, of course, but questions about the overall setting -- and particularly the columbarium (an increasingly popular alternative for many people today) -- frequently come up.  How to help?

Jeff Silvernale was able to enlist the services of Root Tree Service to provide an aerial bucket for photographic services, so here we present some pictures, both from ground level and above, of Lime Rock Cemetery, and particularly of the columbarium.  Click on any of these pictures to see a larger image.

Lime Rock cemetery

Lime Rock Cemetery, with  Trinity Church in upper center, and columbarium at lower right.

Columbarium at Lime Rock cemetery

The columbarium, seen from above

Another view of the columbarium

A closer view of the columbarium

Lime Rock Park from above the columbarium in the cemetery

Same vantage point, but looking toward Lime Rock Park, across the road

Entering the columbarium

Entering the columbarium

The sun dial in the columbarium

In the columbarium, looking toward the back of the cemetery

Another view of the columbarium

Trinity Church in background, sun dial in columbarium in foreground

Trinity Church, seem from inside the columbarium

A view from inside the columbarium, Trinity Church in the background

Monuments at Lime Rock Cemetery: 

In response to several requests, we are happy to provide here photographs of a few of the monuments in the Lime Rock Cemetery.  Those initially shown are both from families with historically close ties to the parish and stones that simply caught the webmaster's eye while wandering through the cemetery.  Please click the button to Contact us if you know of a particular monument in the Lime Rock Cemetery you would like pictured here.  Subject to the constraints of time and weather (obviously it's not possible to do much cemetery photography in the Winter months), we will do our best to comply.  You may also want to check Find-A-Grave (http://www.findagrave.com) for photos of individual monuments.

Please note that additional stones appear on the Lime Rock: an Illustrated Walking Tour CD-ROM.  Lime Rock for more information about the Lime Rock CD

 How to order the Lime Rock CD-ROM

Click on any of these thumbnails to see a larger picture.

Barnum family stones:

Barnum stone Barnum stone Barnum stone Barnum stone
Barnum stone Barnum stone Barnum stone Barnum stone
Barnum stone      

Richardson family stones:

Richardson stone Richardson stone Richardson stone Richardson stone
Richardson stone Richardson stone Richardson stone Richardson stone
Richardson stone Richardson stone Richardson stone Richardson stone
Richardson stone Richardson stone, from inside front door of Trinity Lime Rock    

Goodwin and Ensign family stones:

Ensign stone Ensign stone Ensign stone Ensign stone
Ensign stone Ensign stone Goodwin stone Goodwin stone
Goodwin stone Goodwin stone Goodwin stone Goodwin stone
Goodwin stone Goodwin stone    

Beckley family stones:

Beckley stone      

Bethke plaque in the columbarium:

Bethke plaque      

Brown family stones:

Brown stone Brown stone    

Campbell family stone:

Campbell stone      

Cimino family stone:

Cimino stone      

Crowell family stone:

Crowell stone      

Kernickerbacker stone:

Kernickerbacker stone

Note that this is believed to be the oldest stone in Lime Rock Cemetery.


Kuhn family stones:

Kuhn stone Kuhn stone    

Patterson family stone:

Patterson stone      

Pierce family stones:

Pierce stone Pierce stone Pierce stone Pierce stone

Silvernale plaque in the columbarium:

Silvernale plaque      

Tellerday stone:

Tellerday stone      

Washburn stone:

Washburn stone      


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Between the Lakes Group is located at 372 Between the Lakes Road, in Salisbury, Litchfield County, Connecticut.  More specifically, we're in Taconic -- a hamlet  in the Twin Lakes area of the Town of Salisbury.  Questions about us or about our products?  Go to our Frequently Asked Questions page.  

Postal address:
Post Office Box 13
          Taconic, CT  06079-0013
Electronic mail:
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